In this 2-part series, Scott Martin shares some of his personal learning experiences, notably those times along the path when the light came on. We all have those moments at some time or other, and hopefully when it's all done we will have learned something useful that will stick with us for at least a little while.
In Scott's context, these moments have to do with his surveying career, and are an enjoyable read for anyone with interest in the surveying profession, either past or present. This Part 2 article in the series covers his 3rd and 4th "moments" and the experiences surrounding them. Personally, I appreciate his linking of past knowledge and technology with the current set of tools. Here's a photo shared from his Moment #3 from 1984, which really wasn't all that long ago. While not the actual drafting machine he used in the field, it's representative of the technology of the day.
Note in particular his comment at the end of Moment 4: "The measuring tools may change, but the sound procedures and practices of applying them properly never will." It's a given that technology changes around us, but quality work never goes out of style!